Group photo!
The high resolution group photo can be found here.
ICPS2016 Lecture Schedule
ICPS 2016 has officially kicked off!! The lecture schedule can be found on its own online here.
Welcome to our scientific programme
As you might have seen on our website we have been working hard to provide a good variety of guest speakers, grouped student lectures, and workshops organised by IAPS and the Organising Committee.
Getting to registrations
Registrations will be held at the University Residence - the same place as the accommodation.
Few days left till ICPS2016!
Can you believe it? In less than two weeks the 31st edition of the International Conference of Physics Students will take place in sunny Malta.
Excursions during the conference
Marie and Pierre Curies to be, we are pleased to announce the available excursions during the our conference. Here is a quick recap of what the excursion choices are:
Social Media Update
Physics students of the world, we have progressed into the final frontier of social media and we’ve created an Instagram account. Yes, we’ll be uploading photos regularly to entice you to participate - look us up and tell us what you think about our first photo! Our username is ICPS2016. It can’t really get simpler than that. Use the tag #ICPS2016 during the conference and you’ll get a free high-five! (No, seriously…)
One week of registrations
Ladies and gentlemen, it has already been a week since registrations opened and we already have over 200 people signed up. This seems like it’s going to be a breathtaking event so I advise you to register as early as possible because we’re selling like fresh pastizzi!
Welcome to the University Residence
During the conference, guests will be provided with the best student accommodation Malta has to offer. We will have two types of accommodation available ranging from small apartments which can host 3 attendees to large townhouses which can host up to 20 guests. The registration form will include an option to choose whether you prefer to stay in a smaller or larger apartment and who are your preferred roommates.